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Stand out to employers with your international degree – Here’s how

  • Gradstar
  • December 6, 2022
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Added a feather in your cap with a prestigious international degree but still trying to get the right job? Don’t worry! You just need to be a little more patient, persistent, and prudent. Having an international degree is an achievement in itself. Use the confidence of this achievement as a stepping stone for the next challenge – standing out to future employers. To help you out, here are some easy tips and important points to remember.

Remember that you are a strong candidate

Having international experience gives you an edge over others. Unlike the textbook learning that you would have had in your hometown, an international study abroad experience equips you with life and learning experiences on a global scale. Your ability to think differently with the new skills and global outlook that you have acquired will set you apart from the rest. Employers look for candidates who have an innovative, resilient and flexible approach with which they can use and adapt to change quickly.

Show interest in diversity

We are increasingly living in a global society where strong language skills, respect and understanding of difference is paramount. Having first-hand experience of living in a multicultural society will enable you to understand cultural difference and respect on a much deeper level. Finding your way in a foreign culture, among new people, you have learned how to mould yourself according to the situation and still shine as an individual. You will be able to think much more creatively and appreciate and learn from different opinions. Embrace your multicultural experience and networks. It is your new superpower!

Have a solid reason for changing base

Many employers will be curious about your time abroad and what your plans are next. Be confident in what your intentions and plans are for the next few years for your career and ensure that you are able to clearly articulate the path that you are on professionally. Employers will want to now that you are focused and driven. Think of a few answers to describe your passions and ambitious next steps in your career.

How can you be an asset to the organisation?

Share with the employers how your international experience can be of value to their organisation. You have global networks, capabilities and advanced language skills that would be of benefit to the organisation. Think about your experience as a student, intern and problem solver. Find out ways from past incidents and learnings where you emerged with new insights and capabilities. What extra can you add to the organisation? Get excited about the contribution you can make! The answers are within you.

Do your research about the company prior to the interview

Employers are impressed with candidates who have done their research and know about the company. They may ask you “What do you know X?” OR “What excites you most about working with X?” So, ensure you read up on the company and remember some interesting facts and figures. Don’t only rely on the ‘About Us’ section to know about the company, follow their social media channels, ask people you know if they know anything about the organisation and ensure that you have a solid understanding of who they are. What success they have had and what some of their challenges have been.

Be ready to learn new skills

Are you ready to learn new skills again? The workplace is very different to student life and you will again be on a steep learning curve. You have got a lot of exposure as an international student but a professional work environment is different again. So remember to be a curious learner. Ask questions and learn the new essential skills you need to thrive in your new workplace.

Employers prefer candidates who are ready to learn over those who don’t’ adapt quickly. You are living in an era of lifelong learning. Demonstrate your ability to learn new skills and run with them. How you will adapt and contribute to the organisation should be shown during the interview. Remember, you need to demonstrate that you are a valuable investment to the company and that they would be lucky to have you!

Articulate you value clearly during the interview

The interview is a great way to express and impress the panel with why you are the strongest person for the role. The most important thing to keep in mind is how humbly you put across your points/arguments/thoughts/beliefs and relevant examples. Living abroad is a unique experience and has given you resilience to adjust to difficult situations. It has also taught you that interpersonal skills and humility is critical to get ahead. Apart from using the knowledge and experience you have gained, use your interpersonal skills to persuade your interviewer. Listen carefully to the questions and maintain eye contact throughout the interview to build a connection. Thank the panel for giving you the opportunity in the form of an email. Small gestures make a difference. Personal touch has its own charm.

Stay updated

Being an international student makes you an ardent researcher. This trait should help you knowing about your prospective employers before they start knowing you. Study the companies you want to work with. Let your employers know that you have a decent knowledge about them. Companies want to hire an aware professional who knows about their work culture.

Networking is always useful

Networking is crucial in every part of your life. Quality networks matter. Attend networking events to help build good relations with your prospective employers. Find local contacts for advice and support. It is always helpful to reach out to people who have experience with an international degree, such as recruiters or other employees from the same company you are applying to. They can offer valuable insight into what employers look for when hiring someone with an international degree. As an international student, you know how to present yourself in an impeccable manner. Use that to strengthen your bond with people. You never know when your chance strikes.

To know more about tips and techniques to crack interviews contact a Gradstar Dream Maker today. Because dreams deserve a helping hand.